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SAI360 Wins Two 2022 Anthem Awards for Workplace Education and Training Videos

The SAI360 Learning team’s employment and workplace issues e-learning courses have been recognized with two medals in the inaugural The Anthem Awards. Winning a silver medal for partnership and collaboration was our DEI course “Addressing Systemic Racism in the Workplace.” Our course “Preventing Global Modern Slavery” was awarded a bronze medal for employee workshop and training in human and civil rights.

The Anthem Awards, announced in February 2022, celebrate purpose and mission-driven work from people, companies and organizations worldwide. SAI360’s courses were selected from nearly 2,500 submissions and over 10,000 votes.


Winning a silver medal, our course “Addressing Systemic Racism in the Workplace,” was developed in partnership with the National Association of Black Compliance & Risk Management Professionals (NABCRMP). The course’s goal is to help employers address systemic racism with sensitivity and pragmatism as part of a successful DE&I program that leads to positive change in company culture.

The course engages learners’ curiosity and empathy to empower employees of any background or prior knowledge to become positive change agents. The course has been adopted by corporations with tens of thousands of employees in industries ranging from aerospace engineering to software to industrial manufacturing.

Our course “Preventing Global Modern Slavery” was awarded a bronze medal. The e-learning course is designed to educate employees on the prevalence of modern slavery and forced labor in today’s global economy, trains them to recognize the warning signs, and empowers them to escalate concerns. The course’s goal is to help organizations eliminate modern slavery from the supply chain of all businesses everywhere.

Modern slavery affects more than 40 million people, and the results of their forced labor enter the supply chain for so many industries that barely a sector of the present-day economy is left untouched.  Companies across a broad range of industries at particularly high risk of modern slavery have adopted our course, thus multiplying the impact of a well-informed workforce trained to spot and report warning signs.

“Behind each 20-minute SAI360 Learning experience is a team of brilliant learning designers, UX designers, SMEs, media producers, developers, QA specialists, project managers, and product managers making it happen,” said Laurel Damashek, Senior Product Manager of SAI360 Learning.

“More important than any awards, my hope is that our courses help create meaningful change, to make modern workplaces safe and equitable for all workers everywhere.”

Each of these products is the result of much research, creativity and collaboration. Special thanks to our talented and dedicated team who created these courses. For systemic racism: Anne Spencer, Laurel Damashek, Burke Oppenheim, Kathryn Cecil, Kathryn Siddell, Jeff Cunha, and Rina Zelen Souppa. For preventing modern slavery: Christine Brown, Annette Rockwell, Kelly Gadourey, Kathryn Cecil, Cate Poole, Jeff Cunha, André Bywater, and Nic Beery.

The Anthem Awards are presented by The Webby Awards, which has experienced a rise in submissions of purpose and mission-driven work. Their work with the social impact community highlighted the need for a comprehensive platform to share best-in-class examples. The Anthem Awards was developed in response to recognize this work by honoring the organizations, brands, and people creating long-lasting impact.

The SAI360 Learning team was also recognized with awards in the Telly Awards in 2021.


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