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Instant download: Gartner® Top Strategic Predictions for 2024 and Beyond

Instant download: Gartner® views of AI and the Year Everything Changed

In the introduction to its end-of-year report: ‘Gartner’s Top Strategic Predictions for 2024 and Beyond – Living with the Year Everything Changed,’ Gartner analysts share:

“2023 was the year ChatGPT and generative AI unleashed massive creativity and productivity potential. But the breadth and depth of the innovation affects everything, and there is no simple path. This research offers insights for executive leaders into understanding how predictions shape our thinking.”

Fill out the form below to instantly access Gartner® predictions in an insightful and practical report, with Gartner® recommendations, and advice on AI and its impact on personal development, organizations, cybersecurity, and communities.

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  • Gartner, Gartner’s Top Strategic Predictions for 2024 and Beyond – Living with the Year Everything Changed, by Daryl Plummer, et. Al. November 23, 2023.
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