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Learning Science Strategy #5: The Hypercorrection Effect

Think you know the E&C learning material well? Terrific. Ever think you did great on a quiz—only to find out you didn’t?

We know that feeling, and we put this human behavior to the test in our eLearning series. How? Well, it’s the last of our five concepts from Learning Science.

Learning Science Strategy #5: The Hypercorrection Effect

One of the reasons we have error persistence in ethics and compliance training is the hypercorrection effect.

Learning Science Strategy #5: The Hypercorrection EffectThe what?

Ever had that feeling of mortification when a faulty response is found to be in error—especially if you were pretty sure of yourself. I don’t know about you, but I tend to go overboard in making it my business to know that correction backward and forward.

In our learning, we deploy feedback for optimal effect. By reviewing feedback, adults usually quickly understand their mistakes, and when they’ve made mistakes with high confidence, they’re surprised to be wrong, and will therefore encode the correction better.

One expert said it best: “The greater the prediction error, the greater the learning,” but it’s not only good news for those highly confident wrong folks. The low-confidence response, when corrected immediately, also helps the learner encode.

This makes sense for those learners who may have barely paid attention to the information but guessed right. In their surprise at being correct, they remember better, too. So that’s why we give the feedback. Immediately.

Adding a forced feedback review pop-up to SAI360 learning experiences at SAI360 gives us the ability to make the most impact in the least amount of time for learners.

This is where efficiency meets efficacy, the holy grail of corporate eLearning.


To review, we’ve talked about:

  1. Encoding and learning design
  2. Error persistence and how to beat it
  3. Forced feedback
  4. Psychological safety and learning
  5. The hypercorrection effect on performance and confidence


Whitepaper | Know Your Risk: The Learning Science Behind SAI360's Ethics & Compliance Program EfficacyWHITEPAPER

Know Your Risk: The Learning Science behind SAI360’s Ethics & Compliance Program Efficacy

Understand how and why we build measurable moments of engagement into our training experiences. Read the whitepaper.




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