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What’s New: SAI360 for EHS (R2 2020)

The impact COVID-19 will have on society and businesses are yet to be fully understood, but it has surfaced a stark reminder that environmental, health, safety – as well as social and governance risks can threaten the resilience and sustainability of businesses.

SAI360 for Environmental, Health and Safety, R2 2020


We designed our integrated SAI360 for EHS solution to be easily adapted to manage new risks presented by a crisis, such as the pandemic, without losing sight of other operational risks and responsibilities.

We have new COVID-19 Case Management and Self-Assessment modules with pre-configured checklists to assist EHS professionals; both are available on the Roam mobile app:

Manage COVID-19 cases and assure health and safety of workersA COVID-19 workflow to report and manage cases – online and offline with Roam, our mobile app.
Continuously engage with workers to reduce impacts related to COVID-19 risksSimplified, mobile workflow with easy to use configurable checklists for workers to do self-assessments such as working from home, and voluntary check-ins.
Monitor the impacts of COVID-19 casesInteractive dashboards to view trends and analyze the impacts of COVID-19 cases

We will overcome this crisis, but the business landscape will change. Investors will focus on financial performance as well as sustainability performance that demonstrates environmental, health, social, and governance responsibilities. Future investments companies make to mitigate the economic impacts of this crisis must therefore align with measurable sustainability initiatives and goals.


The newly added Sustainability Metrics Management module allows companies to:

Track metrics for all sustainability initiativesAutomate the tracking of sustainability metrics that matter to a business.

Define qualitative and quantitative indicators to monitor performance against sustainability initiatives.

Automate data collectionReduce the burden of collecting data by automating the process and allowing for fast data entry with a simple and personalized portal.
Monitor performance against sustainability goalsMonitor the performance and trends of sustainability metrics using reports and interactive dashboards.  Simplify data and trend analysis with advanced data analytics and reporting capabilities.
Demonstrate sustainability performanceProduce reports to communicate sustainability performance and improve transparency to stakeholders, regulators, and industry standards such as GRI, CDP, and DJSI.


See the updated risk management solutions available with SAI360’s latest release, R2 2020.


Visit our pandemic information center, which includes reading materials, podcasts, videos and other best-practice guidance around managing business continuity, compliance, risk management and workplace health and safety amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Learn more about our EHS solutions.

Or, contact us to see how SAI Global has helped organizations like yours.