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Watch Tech In Action: Best Practices for Establishing Your Cybersecurity Risk Program

Bruno Araujo


Kelvin Dickenson
Kelvin Dickenson


Kelvin Dickenson

Often healthcare organizations do not know where to begin in their cybersecurity risk journey, but an ounce of prevention now is worth a pound of cure later.

Last year, the healthcare sector fell victim to ransomware more than any other critical infrastructure sector. And In 2020, the Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General reported that patient data breaches affecting over 500 individuals increased 61% over the prior year. Total breaches continue to increase year over year.

Establishing and optimizing your cybersecurity risk program is more vital now than ever. But there are some essential best practices you and your organization should know and consider while building your program.

This webinar on-demand covers:

  • Compliance training focused on cybersecurity, data privacy, data protection and information security regulations
  • Best practices to ensure your organization is protected and keeping patient and employee data secure
  • How to track steps from assessments to completion and monitoring risk scores to determine future action

Speakers: SAI360’s Kelvin Dickenson and Bruno Araujo

Please register to view our webinar on-demand:

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