Top Payer Audit (& Denial) Challenges and Strategies for Success – It’s All About the Money!
Are you struggling with the complex and strenuous audit and denial challenges from payers and auditors?
Our experts discuss the multiple at-risk areas that healthcare providers are currently managing, navigating, and addressing daily. Along with an overview of the current landscape, we focus on Medicare Advantage, line-item audits (also known as nurse review audits or forensic audits), and a spotlight on traditional Medicare audit hot spots.
- Day Egusquiza, Founder & President of AR Systems, Inc. & Patient Financial Navigator Foundation, Inc.
- Marcy Andersen, Director, Account Management at SAI360.
During this webinar, Day and Marcy share their expertise and industry knowledge on:
- Current trends from payers in audits and denials
- Strategies for successful appeal outcomes
- A common-sense approach to operational process improvements to mitigate audit exposure and risk
- Examples of contract adjustments to make with your payer
Please register to join our webinar on-demand:
Learn more about our solutions for managing healthcare revenue integrity.